Module MSE-2026:
Applied Clinical Technologies
Applied Clinical Technologies 2024-25
North Wales Medical School
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Dylan Jones
The aim of the module is to provide the students with basic knowledge of various methodologies used in life sciences. The course will introduce the students to key diagnostic concepts and techniques such as:
- Medical ethics and consent.
- Role of imaging in diagnostics and the various imaging modalities available.
- Role of laboratory testing in modern medicine.
- Role of physiological testing in modern medicine.
Lectures will present the student with up to date information about the state of clinical diagnostics, including discussion on the future direction of routine diagnostics and patient management.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Category D- to D+ (40 – 49%)Basic factual information only based on teaching notes with significant gaps in knowledge.
-good -B- to B+ (60 – 69%)Comprehensive and accurate coverage, showing good use of teaching material and core readings. Is able to demonstrate broad knowledge of the main laboratory tests and their role in diagnosis. Knowledge is largely based on the laecture material. Limited evidence of critical thinking and wider reading.
-excellent -A- to A* (70 - 100%)Has sophisticated knowledge of the scientific background of the tests requested by a clinician and their role in diagnosing pathophysiological states. Very comprehensive and accurate coverage, and ability to discuss inter-relationships between various test sets and being able to suggest alternative tests that may be appropriate, indicating that the student has gone beyond the core readings and explored the topic in depth.Evidence of additional reading and further study, and critical thinking is important for higher A marks.
-another level-Category C (50%-59%):Reasonably comprehensive coverage, indicating generally accurate understanding, based on lecture material and some core readings. Answer may not cover all important points.
Learning Outcomes
- Assess the role of clinical technologies in patient management
- Critically assess results of investigations and how they can be used to aid diagnosis
- Demonstrate an understanding of the technologies behind key clinical technologies.
- Explain the importance of quality control measures and classify the variables which can influence test results.
- Understand the importance of ethics in medical science
Assessment method
Case ¶º±ÆÖ±²¥
Assessment type
Case ¶º±ÆÖ±²¥
Due date
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
EMCQ Semester 1
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
EMCQ Semester 2