Please note that students are supernumerary during all practice placements and should on no account be counted in the staffing levels. This should also enable students to follow the patient/client journey at all times.
Midwifery students please refer to the Placement Handbook 'Gwybodaeth in Bydwreigiaeth / Midwifery Information'
Nurse students please refer to the Placement Handbook section 2.2 Supernumerary Status in the Student Information Hub:
Whilst engaging in clinical practice placements all nursing students are deemed to be supernumerary; this means students are not included in the ward workforce calculations at any time in relation to skill mix or staffing numbers. Students do not replace registered nursing or health care support worker staff who are absent for sickness or study leave purposes. Supernumerary status is paramount; it enables students to focus on learning whilst in clinical practice.
Please note you can also report issues impacting on the quality of the learning environment through the Raising Concerns Policy and process.