University Charter
Charles the Third by the Grace of GodÌýof the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith:
Whereas on the 4th June 1885 Her Majesty Queen Victoria granted a Charter constituting and founding a College in the City of Bangor by the name of “The University College of North Wales” having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to sue and be sued in the said name:
Whereas in 1922, 1951, 1977 and 1998 Supplemental Charters were granted to the College and in 2007 the name of the College was changed to “Prifysgol Bangor” or “¶º±ÆÖ±²¥”:
Whereas the University presented to Queen Elizabeth the Second a humble Petition that it is desirable that new provision be made with respect to its purposes, proceedings and duties by way of a Supplemental Charter:
WHEREAS on 16th February 2022, Queen Elizabeth the Second was graciously pleased to approve an Order granting a Supplemental Charter to ¶º±ÆÖ±²¥;
AND WHEREAS the demise of Her late Majesty occurred before Her warrant could be executed to allow the Supplemental Charter to be passed under the Great Seal to come into legal effect;
AND WHEREAS it is Our desire to bring Her late Majesty’s wishes into effect;
NOW THEREFORE KNOW YE that mindful of Her late Majesty’s wishes, We hereby do confirm the grant of a Supplemental Charter to ¶º±ÆÖ±²¥ and by virtue of Our Prerogative Royal and of all other powers enabling Us in that behalf, of Our especial grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, do grant and declare by these Presents for Us, Our Heirs and Successors the grant of a Supplemental Charter to ¶º±ÆÖ±²¥ in the terms set out below:
1. There shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a Common Seal by the name of “Prifysgol Bangor” or “¶º±ÆÖ±²¥” (“the University”).
2. The Charter of 1977 (except insofar as it incorporates the University and confers upon it perpetual succession and a common seal) shall be and is hereby revoked but nothing in this revocation shall affect the legality or validity of any act, deed, or thing lawfully done or executed under the provisions of the Charter of
3. The objects of the University shall be to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge by teaching and research and, by its corporate life as well as its academic work, to enable students to obtain the full advantages of a University
4. The University shall have all the powers of a natural person to do all lawful acts that are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the objects of the University, which includes but is not limited to the power to award and revoke degrees and other distinctions (including without limitation, diplomas, joint degrees, dual degrees, certificates, fellowships, honorary degrees, honorary fellowships, memberships and associateships) in its own name and/or jointly with other education institutions.
5. The University shall not make any dividend, gift, division or bonus in money to or between any members of Council or officers of the University, except by way of prize, special grant or reward including as payment of reasonable and proper remuneration for goods or services supplied to the University.
6. The official languages of the University shall be Welsh and
7. There shall be a council (“the Council”), which shall be the supreme governing body of the University and shall be responsible for the exercise of the University’s The functions of the Council shall include, without limitation:
7.1the custody and use of the Common Seal;
the oversight of the management and administration of the revenue and property of the University; and
oversight of the conduct of the affairs of the University
8. The Council may delegate all or any of its functions other than:
8.1 the determination of the character and mission of the University, including the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor;
the responsibility for ensuring the solvency of the University and for safeguarding its assets, including the appointment of auditors, the establishment of an audit committee and the approval of the University’s annual audited accounts; or
the making of, alteration, amendment or addition to this Our Charter
9. The Council shall consist of the following persons, namely:
9.1 Up to twelve persons external to the University (“Independent Members”), including the Chair and up to two Pro-Chancellors;
Two members of the Senate;
One member nominated by the Academic Staff;
One member nominated by Non-academic staff;
The Vice-Chancellor;
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
The President of the Students’ Union; and
One other elected officer of the Students’ Union appointed by the executive of that organisation
10. The term of office of the members referred to in paragraphs 1, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4 shall be for four years and they shall be eligible for reappointment normally for one further period of up to four years, unless the provisions of paragraph 12 apply.
11. The term of office as members of Council of the members referred to in paragraphs 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, and 9.8 shall be for so long as they continue to occupy their respective positions unless removed in accordance with the Ordinances.
12. The Chair shall be eligible for reappointment for one further period of four years, subject always to a maximum period on Council of eight years as
13. Ten members of Council shall constitute a quorum, of whom a majority shall be Independent Members.
14. There shall be such officers of the University as the Council shall decide, including but not limited to:
14.1 The Chancellor, who shall be the ceremonial head of the University; and
The Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the principal academic and administrative officer of the University
15.The Court of the University (“the Court”) shall have such powers and functions as are delegated to it by the Council.
16. There shall be a senate of the University (“the Senate”), which shall be the academic authority of the University subject to the general control and approval of the Council. The Senate shall be given an opportunity of commenting on any proposed alteration to this Our Charter. The Senate may exercise such other functions as may be conferred upon it by the Ordinances.
17. There shall be a union of the students of the University (“Students’ Union”) which shall conduct and manage its own affairs and funds in accordance with a constitution approved by the No amendment to or rescission of that constitution shall be valid unless approved by the Council.
18. Suspension, Discipline, Dismissal and Grievances of Staff
18.1 This paragraph 18 relates to the suspension, discipline, dismissal and grievances of staff. Except where indicated to the contrary, this paragraph 18 applies to all members of staff.
General Principles of Construction and Application
18.2 This paragraph 18 and any Ordinances or other rules made under it shall be applied and construed in every case having regard to the following guiding principles:
18.2.1 to ensure that members of academic staff have freedom within the law to question and test received wisdom, and to put forward new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions, without placing themselves in jeopardy of losing their jobs or any privileges they may have at the University;
18.2.2 to enable the University to provide education, promote learning and engage in research efficiently and economically; and
18.2.3 to apply the principles of justice and fairness
18.3 Any reference in this paragraph 18 to a provision in an Act of Parliament shall be taken to be a reference to that provision as it may have been amended or superseded from time to time
18.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 18 the following terms shall bear the following meanings:
18.4.1 “dismissal” shall bear the same meaning as in section 95 of the Employment Rights Act 1996; and
18.4.2 “dismissal by reason of redundancy” shall bear the same meaning as in section 139 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.
18.5 The power to dismiss staff by reason of redundancy, and the Ordinances prescribed in relation to such power, under this paragraph 18 shall not apply to those staff defined in sub-sections (3) to (6) of section 204 of the Education Reform Act 1988 (academic staff appointed prior to, and not promoted after, 20 November 1987) who shall for this purpose continue to be subject to such powers, if any, as applied to them prior to the introduction of the Statute made by the University Commissioners in the exercise of their powers under sections 203 and 204 of the Education Reform Act 1988.
18.6 The Vice-Chancellor, or other designated person or persons, may suspend any member of staff.
18.7 The Vice-Chancellor, or other designated person or persons, may discipline any member of staff.
18.8 Where a staff member has been disciplined pursuant to paragraph 7, that staff member may appeal against that decision to a designated person.
18.9 The Vice-Chancellor, or other designated person or persons, may dismiss any member of staff either with or without notice, depending on the circumstances of the case.
18.10 Where a staff member has been dismissed pursuant to paragraph 18.9, that staff member may appeal against the dismissal to a designated person.
18.11 Any member of staff may seek redress of any grievances relating to that staff member’s employment.
18.12 If the member of staff is dissatisfied with the outcome of a grievance pursuant to paragraph 18.11, that staff member may appeal against that decision to a designated person.
18.13 The Council shall from time to time (following negotiation with the relevant trade unions) make and amend Ordinances specifying designated persons to be appointed and policies and procedures to be followed in the exercise of the powers and duties contained in this paragraph 18, such Ordinances to cover but not be limited to:
18.13.1 Redundancy;
18.13.2 Non-renewal of fixed term contracts and redundancy by way of termination of fixed term funding contracts;
18.13.3 Conduct and other substantial reasons for dismissal;
18.13.4 Capability and performance;
18.13.5 Incapacity on health grounds;
18.13.6 Termination of probationary appointments;
18.13.7 Termination on grounds of illegality;
18.13.8 Termination of non-substantive positions;
18.13.9 Staff grievances; and
18.13.10 The Vice-Chancellor.
18.4 If Ordinances have not yet been made by Council on the date this Our Supplemental Charter comes into effect, the powers of discipline, dismissal and the hearing of grievances set out in this paragraph 18 shall be exercised in accordance with the general law and statutory codes of practice until such time as Ordinances are made.
19. The Council may amend, add to, or repeal this Our Charter by a resolution passed at a Council meeting by a majority of not less than three-fourths of those present and Such amendment, addition or repeal shall, when allowed by Us, Our Heirs or Successors in Council, have effect so that this Our Charter shall operate as though it had been originally granted and made as so amended, added to or repealed.
Our Royal Will and Pleasure is that this Our Charter shall be construed benevolently and in every case most favourably to the University and the promotion of the objects of this Our Charter.
IN WITNESS whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent.
WITNESS Ourself at Westminster the
day of
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