Validation & Revalidation
The University is committed to promoting a culture of continuous improvement in programme delivery and management, and engagement with students and relevant stakeholders through appropriate representation, consultation and feedback mechanisms.
Key Documents
Code of Practice for Approval, Monitoring & Review
Worktribe Timelines
Worktribe serves as the University’s curriculum catalogue and drives the University’s student facing processes together with providing web-page content. These timelines provide guidance on what activities are required when.
Quick Guides to Validation
- A simple guide to validation
- What to expect from the validation event
- Guidance for Chairs of validation events
Programmes to be validated or revalidated in 2023/24
In-cycle Revalidation
The University has extended its validation cycle to 7 years during 2023/4 to enable it to develop a better integrated and strategically aligned process. If your School requires a revalidation during 2023/4 within 7 years of its previous validation/revalidation please complete and return this form as soon as possible and before mid November.
Approval Process for New Programmes
The timeline for validation for undergraduate programmes recruiting through UCAS is 24 months from Curriculum Strategic Approval and Monitoring Delivery Group approval.
addresses the stages of programme approval and the role of Worktribe and outlines expectations around programme review.
Professional Doctorate Programmes (not on Worktribe)
For these programmes we are currently accepting paper formats but the modules must be on Worktribe
Programme Design
The University is committed to providing an appropriate and increasing level of challenge to its students across their studies. A key component of a challenge-based curriculum is providing signposting to students on the level of challenge introduced at each level through clearly worded learning outcomes.
- Learning Outcomes and Assessment
- Guidelines for Developing Learning Outcomes
- Writing Learning Outcomes
Discontinuing Programmes
Renaming Programmes
For advice, guidance and implementation of Change of Programme Title please contact Sarah Jackson.
New Modules
In order to improve the linkage for modules to programme learning outcomes and to ensure programme developments are evidence-based the Curriculum Programme Approval Delivery Group will accept standalone modules only where they have been considered by the Curriculum Quality Assurance Delivery Group as part of programme-level annual review, where they are required by PSRBs and, in rare cases, where they are necessary to address changes in staffing. Please see for further details.
The deadline for new modules for 2025/26 is Friday 31st January 2025.
Information for Student Reviewers
The Quality Enhancement Unit provides training for student reviewers. Please click here for the briefing materials.
Assistance with validation procedures
If you need help with the validation procedures then please contact:
- Ms Wendy Williams (Quality Assurance Officer) ext 8384 [e-mail]