Miss Jenna Alexander
I am currently working as a research support officer on project whilst undertaking a PhD at the school of Ocean Sciences, ¶º±ÆÖ±²¥. Prior to this I graduated with a first class degree in 2012 from Liverpool John Moores University and completed an 2016 KESS MPhil in Aberystwyth where I developed an integrated whole genome amplification and sequencing method to characterise Cryptosporidium clinical isolates. I also worked on the Irish Sea Portal Pilot (ISPP) project where I developed molecular assays to detect a number of bivalve species in mixed ocean samples.
Research Interests
The focus of my research is on developing qualitative and quantitative molecular assays to analyse bivalve larval composition within mixed aquatic samples which will be used to study larval dispersal and settlement, community structure and dynamics, identify spawning trends and validate particle tracking models. A number of commercially important species will be targeted, including mussels, cockles, oysters and clams.
This project is part of The Shellfish Centre RD&I operation which aims to promote and develop Wales’ shellfish industry through collaborative research projects.
Alexander, JA., Webb, J., Bayford, PA., McDonald, J., LeVay, L., Malham, SK.Ìý(In preparation).ÌýFisheries and Aquaculture.ÌýDNA extraction and real-time PCR assay for relative quantification ofÌýMytilus edulisÌýlarvae from mixed plankton samples.
Ironside, J, E. & Alexander, J. (2015).Ìý“Microsporidian parasites feminize hosts without paramyxean co- infection: support for convergent evolution of parasitic feminization.â€ÌýInternational Journal for Parasitology, 45 (6): 427-433.
Hadfield, S.,Ìýet al. (2015).Ìý“Generation of whole genome sequences of newÌýCryptosporidium hominisÌýandÌýCryptosporidium parvumÌýisolates directly from stool samples.â€ÌýBMC Genomics, 16 (650).
Arundell, K.,Ìýet al. (2014).Ìý“Enemy release and genetic founder effects in invasive killer shrimp populations of Great Britain.â€ÌýBiological Invasions, 17 (5): 1-13.
- Cyhoeddwyd
Alexander, J., Malham, S., Smyth, D., Webb, J., Fidler, D., Bayford, P., McDonald, J. & Le Vay, L., 15 Chwef 2021, Yn: Aquaculture. 532, 736003.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - Cyhoeddwyd
Smyth, D., Hayden-Hughes, M., Alexander, J., Bayford, P. & Kregting, L., 31 Ion 2021, Yn: Regional Studies in Marine Science. 41, t. 101585 1 t.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid